Links in e-mails not clickable

We recommend you use your university e-mail address. If you open e-mails via Studmail or FAUMail you must enable HTML in order to click on the links for tickets, direct debit mandates and cancellations.

How to enable HTML in FAUMail

Please note: If links are displayed incorrectly or are not clickable this means that HTML is not enabled. Please follow the instructions below to enable HTML.

1. Click ‚Optionen‘ (options) in the bar at the top.


2. Select ‚Voreinstellungen für Anzeige‘ (default display settings).

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3. Tick the box next to ‚Standardmäßig die HTML-Version anzeigen‘ (display HTML version as standard).

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4. Confirm the new settings by clicking ‚Senden‘ (send).

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